Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ice skating competition

Hey Everyone,

Hope you had an AWESOME Easter!! so how have you all been? its been quite a while since I've posted... OOPS!

anyway, I don't know if any of you know this, but I was in an ice skating competition. I was mostly in it for fun, and it was pretty small, an in house at the place I take lessons. Well, on March 24th, I had to go to a private lesson, and I'm glad I did. it was the day of the competition, and I had no clue what to expect. I wasn't prepared... barely anyone in the basic skills was. The teachers didn't really tell us. Well anyway, when I was at my private lesson, my teacher, Mark, told me what to do and stuff like that. Thank God!!! Well, we sorta had a pretend "competition." He told me what to do when I saw the judge and what to say and all that. When the lesson was over, me and my mom went across the street to the mall, until competition time.

When we realized what time it was, we went back to the "igloo" to get something to eat. once i ate, it was time to get ready!! Once I had my dress, my skates, my tights, and my hair was just right, we went up into the stands to watch until i had to go warm up. My time to go on the ice was around 2:45, So, about a half hour before I was supposed to go warm up, of course. then, about an hour before i was even supposed to go in the warm up room, Amanda, one of the teachers and helpers, told me that we were ahead and I needed to go get ready. Well after that we got all the other people in my group and we into the ice rink to warm up for 2 minutes. Then when we all got off, we got in line. One at a time we went on the ice and did what the judge told us to do. I was third. Once I went on the ice, she told me what to do. I did it pretty good. Then it happened: I FELL!! I couldn't believe it, I totally lost my Chance of winning!! But she liked the rest of the stuff I did, and she REALLY liked my spin, A LOT. Well after I got off all the other people in the competition went. Then it was time for the results. They called up groups, one by one, say something like this: IN BASIC 1, THE FIRST PLACE WINNER IS blank!
Once they got to my basic, basic 5, I was getting excited. They said who one first place. I was expecting to win 5th place, so I was just chatting with my friends. Then I heard my name, I couldn't believe it!! I had won SECOND place!! I was so excited I couldn't believe it! It just shows how good God can be!!


Pfingston said...

Well, congradulations! That is awsome!

Amanda said...

Congratulations! That sounds like fun. I have to say, I've never been ice skating before, but it looks like it takes a lot of practice to get it right. Job well done!

Jordan said...

That's awesome Emily! I think that that would be totally cool. You're right God can be great to you so much!

Susie said...

that is so completely awesome! i love ice skating!